Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ)

Linked Projects

University Hospital Zurich
University of Zurich
Balgrist University Hospital
University Children’s Hospital Zurich


Prof. Dr. med. Markus Manz
Chair CCCZ Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich
+41 44 255 38 99


Maja Zenz Ph.D.
Managing Director CCCZ Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich
+41 44 635 37 24

The Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ) is an oncology center of excellence of the University of Zurich, Universtity Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and the University Children's Hospital Zurich. The CCCZ combines innovative cancer medicine and research. At CCCZ, cancer patients receive a precise diagnosis and personalized consultation according to the highest medical standards. Innovative treatment options include robotic or minimally invasive tumor surgery, modern radiotherapy technologies, targeted system therapies and immunotherapies. Towards precision medicine, our research teams aim to develop individualized treatment strategies for each cancer patient. CCCZ is committed to provide the best medical care tailored to the individual needs of people affected by cancer.

Learn more about the CCCZ in the video

Lighthouse Projects in Precision Oncology at the CCCZ

Two CCCZ projects, identified as particularly promising by an international panel of experts, will each receive funding of 2 million Swiss francs from UMZH until 2027.
IMMUNO-CAR ZURICH (ZURICAR) is one of these projects. Prof. Dr. Chiara Magnani and her team are developing a strategy to extend the success of CAR T-cell therapy, which has already shown high efficacy in blood cancer, to solid tumors and myeloid leukemia—an area where it has not yet been effective. In the video, Chiara Magnani explains how immune cells are modified through genetic engineering to specifically target and destroy cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

4 Questions to Prof. Dr. Chiara Magnani
«Our treatment is more precise than standard treatments like chemotherapy», says Chiara Magnani in the video. She is a professor for Medical Oncology and Hematology at the University of Zurich and leads IMMUNO-CAR ZURICH.